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Fachleute aus der Schweiz has a new Meilenstein in the Behandlung von Rückenmarksverletzungen erzielt, wie is in een Mitteilung vom Montag heißt. The Forschenden identify a Gehirn region, which is separated from the Gehens near Mäusen with Rückenmarkverletzungen for the Wiederherstellung. This unresolved treatment may result in health boosting therapy for people.
While the deep brain stimulation (deep brain stimulation) stimulation takes place in a specific region, the lateral hypothalamus is active, causing the team to experience the experience of the second half of man with partial spinal impairment. The research into one’s own choice and the search for work is carried out by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Lausanne (EPFL), the Lausanner Universitätsspital Chuv and the Universität Lausanne met.
The Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical technique exploited, at the electrodes in the best regions of the implanted areas, a neuronal activity that arises together. Traditionally, treatment has been thought of as treating Parkinson’s disease.
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The anwendung-dieser technique on the lateral hypothalamus with part of the treatment could be used as an innovative ansatz-bezichnet. The research published in the Zeitschrift „Natural Medicine“ is very light, but the health stimulation is no longer unhindered by the healing of the rehabilitation, but it is a long-term treatment. After the electrical current is generated and the stimulation is carried out, the first patient says like this: “I have spoken to my heart,” reports the neurosurgeon in Bloch.
If so, this form of therapy cannot last longer. “If I see that it is very interesting, one of the possible ways in which people with work-related residual functions can improve their mobility,” says Rainer Abel, chef of the orthopedic clinic and Querschnittgelähmte at the Bayreuth clinic. It is not that you will see more as an invasive paint and become a profitable business. “If it is not good, there is an effect that works – if it is during the time it is abroad.”
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